Yes, we’re doing our part and promoting sustainable initiatives at Amiroad.
Amiroad is going green
Because sustainability must be a world priority, we’re also changing some old habits and taking seriously what we can improve to save our planet. At the same time, our eco-friendly practices are helping us to build healthier workplaces, improving efficiency, and cost savings as well.
Switching from plastic bottles to cardboard
We know that choosing between the two of them is a complex choice, but choosing cardboard packaging is to choose sustainable sources. Also, is commonly manufactured with renewable energy and is much easier to recycle. Amiroad will eliminate in the next couple of months the usage of plastic bottles.
This initiative will reduce plastic usage by around 1600 bottles per month. A huge saving that we are super committed to.
Changing our fleet to electric vehicles: Mercedes EQE and EQV
In what concerns to climate change and air quality, electric cars are definitely preferable to petrol or diesel cars. But the advantages of going electric are numerous. From cheaper to run (costs of the electricity are far less than petrol/diesel) or to maintain, to better for our health and environment.
The EQE for example is a small sedan that uses the same 90kWh battery pack as base model EQS, and which on a full charge, can go up to 660 kilometers (410 miles). The EQV model range is up to 213 miles from a full charge. Portugal’s charging points are also growing at a really fast pace which leaves us with no arguments to not start changing for EV.
Other green initiatives running for some time
And of course, those other ones that we have been improving over the last years, and we leave it here as a tip:
- Encouraging all the team to use the recycling bin;
- Switch off the lights, computers, or any power not in use;
- Going paperless;
- Eliminating the use of cups;
- No individual trash cans;
- Optimizing the use of natural light;
- Investing in efficient lighting;
- Fleet efficient washing systems;
- Encourage water savings.

For tailor-made tours or other programs, please get in touch with us through the telephone below or by filling out the form.